V.1.1-V.1.2 Changelog

Version 1.2 is out!

I condensed versions 1.1 and 1.2 as there weren't too many changes between them, but I'll outline the changes for both here.

V.1.1 - Updated 12/23/23

The canvas has been made a bit bigger to allow the player to see a bit farther away from where they are: 600px -> 700px

A Help menu was added that can be accessed by pressing 'H'. This feature was in the 1.0version, but there was no prompt for the player to inform them of it; whoops!

Members from enemy flocks will not only flee when they get separated from their flock, but also when their flock as a whole is too small (less than 5 members).

Adjusted the UI slightly to display better.

Fixed a bug where wrong flocks would be deleted, the player's flock would get switched with another, or the game would lag and crash when a flock was eliminated. The fix was rather simple, silly me for taking so long to figure it out ^^;

V.1.2 - Updated 12/24/23

Fixed a bug where the background wasn't properly being randomized the first time the game was played.

All flocks now grow after collecting enough resources, not just the player's.

Adjusted the map size to allow the player to roam farther before reaching the edges.

Flocks give up pursuing the player once they are down to 3 members, rather than 5.

Heavily reworked the flocking mechanic to more accurately follow the parameters of the actual flocking algorithm.

Flock members no longer bounce off of resources as they're collected. It was an interesting effect, but also an unintended  side effect of the original poorly-coded flocking algorithm.

The player can now hold SPACE to condense their flock together. The flock will condense into a single space over a few seconds. Releasing SPACE will cause the flock to spread out again. This can be useful for narrowly avoiding other flocks, but it comes at the risk of all of your members being in the same place at once; if one collides with an opposing flock, they all do.

The player's flock is now slightly faster and the rest of the flocks have a greater range of speeds they can spawn in with.

The Help menu now uses 'E' key rather than 'H'. E is easier to reach and more intuitive for many gamers.

There you have it! I plan to add many more features soon, stay tuned!


FlockTogether v.1.2.zip Play in browser
Dec 25, 2023

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